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Создана: 08 Февраля 2009 Вск 16:58:42.
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Продам новую точку доступа D-Link DWL-3200AP AirPremier Dualband Wireless PoE Access Point (802.11b/g, 108Mbps)
Подробное описание:
[внешняя ссылка]
[внешняя ссылка]
Цена: 4500 !!!
Обращаться по тел.: 8-913-976-7O-7O
Общее фото:
Полный комплект:
Sergic5 писал
:за рубля 4 купил бы!Хочу раздавать нет по всему дому какой у нее радиус в метрах
пиши в личку
Радиус действия (при полной мощности дипольных разнесенных антеннх 5dBi):
На радиус действия может влиять множество факторов окружающей среды.
В помещении:
- 30м @ 54Мбит/с
34м @ 48Мбит/с
39м @ 36Мбит/с
47м @ 24Мбит/с
56м @ 18Мбит/с
66м @ 12Мбит/с
79м @ 9Мбит/с
99м @ 6Мбит/с
Вне помещения: до 400 м
- 112м @ 54Мбит/с
250м @ 18Мбит/с
500м @ 6Мбит/с
p.s.: Вот тут можно дополнительно почитать: [внешняя ссылка] -
Вот тут лежит новая прошивка: [внешняя ссылка].
Одна такая работает на предприятии. Используется для раздачи интернета в конференц-зале, а также доступа к базе 1С. Жалоб нет.
DWL-3200AP Firmware Release Notes!!!
Firmware: v2.50
Hardware: B1
Date: 08/09/19
Problems Resolved:
- 1. [WEB] The information in the multissid will show 11a when set the vlan tag mode to dynamic.
2. [FW] Intel WiFi Link 4965AGN can’t connect to AP if authentication is WPA/WPA2 PSK, and vlan state is enabled.
3. [FW] Fix the Microsoft SilverlightIE compatibility issue.
4. [FW] AP couldn’t connect to fast radius.
5. [FW] Can’t kick off station through APMII v2.0.
6. [WEB] User can’t configure a valid IP address(such as X.255.X.X or X.X.255.X) as a DHCP Start Address in DHCP Server page.
7. [FW] Can’t set the ip address successful when change the boot mode from normal mode to art mode.
8. [CLI] When WDS or WDS with AP mode is set, disable CLI command about rate control and support rate.
9. [FW] According to RFC-2868, let the Dynamic VLAN function more compatible with most of RADIUS Servers.
10. [FW] Change Admin IP when only the IP in the range of Admin IP can access AP (remove the default range: the same network as AP’s)
11. [FW] Fix the issue of Acct-Interim-Interval
12. [FW] The issue of Dynamic Vlan for NAP
13. [CLI] Command set lcp 1/0 could not take effect
14. [FW] When use dynamic VLAN function to assign VID to STA, STA which connect to MSSID can’t get dynamic VID from server.
15. [FW] AP will crash when multi-ssid is enable and authentication type is WPA-AUTO-PSK.
16. [FW] IP filter range list is wrong when set by APMII or D-View.
17. [FW] b/c flood trap should be wireless type.
18. [FW] when use APMII or D-View upload configure, it take effect immediately, and could not restart AP from APMII/ D-View
19. [WEB] When change multi-ssid 's security to other security from WPA/WPA2/WPA-AUTO-EAP, the VLAN Tag mode should be changed to manual and VLAN id could be input immediately ,
20. [WEB] if multi-ssid' ssid is the same as other ssid, it should pop up a warning message
21. [FW] When IGMP snooping with VLAN enabled, the IGMP snooping will not work
22. [FW] When using Dynamic VLAN function to assign STA VLAN number, STA ping AP or server will be failed.
23. [FW] Modify the classification for Trap
24. [FW] AP would crash when getting ip from linux DHCP server.
25. [FW]AP could not send out the trap of Web login successfully
26. [WEB]Change the rule of MAIL Address in SMTP ,
27. [WEB]Update the help string of new functions
28. [WEB]When using dynamic VLAN function to assign VLAN id to stations, the VLAN id should show the assigned VLAN id. In web page.
29. [WEB]When MSSID's Security is not WPA/WPA2/WPA-AUTO-EAP, the VLAN Tag Mode option should be grayed
30. [WEB]After restart device, the web couldn't jump to home page for waiting time is too short as new functions added
31. [WEB] Remove the restriction that the managed AP’s ip and remote administrator’s ip must in the same subnet
32. [FW]The station connecting to the second SSID of AP1, which has the same VID with the peer WDS AP2, could not manage the AP2, when AP1’s VID is different with AP2.
33. [MIB]set adGetClient index to 1 as default
34. [MIB]set adGetClient index to 1 and get rid of the entry(do not allow user to change it)
35. [WEB] There should be a warning message, when primary SSID’s authentication changes to others from WPA-EAP, while at least one of MSSID’s authentications is WPA-EAP
- 1. [FW] Enhance the MSSID over WDS function, allow user change the security settings of MSSID when the ap mpde is WDS with AP.
2. [FW]Support maximum community string length to 32 characters.
3. [FW] Support APMII v2.0
4. [FW] Add NAP function based on dynamic vlan
5. [FW] Support Primary SSID with VLAN tag function
6. [FW] Support Administration VLAN(Manage VLAN) and management IP range function
7. [MIB]Support Trap002-1 spec
8. [FW] Support MSSID over WDS
9. [FW] WMM over WDS
10. [FW] Priority by SSID
11. [FW] IGMP Snooping (v1/v2)
12. [CLI] CLI command to input SNMP Location.
13. [FW] 802.1X Dynamic VLAN
14. [FW] Data Rate Control follows Dlink new spec.
15. [CLI] Hide the commands, get targetPower/gett controlPower/get swPower ,in CLI
16. [CLI]Open 3 RSTP commands, rstp getstp/rstp getstate/rstp setstate -
ВЫ бы лучше поинтересовались поглубже и поискали бы "тесты" с новой прошивкой... Так было бы интереснее. -